Fapy Lafertin New Quartet

Gypsy Jazz With Great Finesse

Fapy Lafertin est sans aucun doute l'un des plus emblématiques représentants du style Django. Ce maestro de la guitare jazz manouche s'est entouré pour ce tout nouveau projet de musiciens belges de la nouvelle génération: Alexandre Tripodi au violon, Renaud Dardenne à la guitare et Cédric Raymond à la contrebasse. C'est avec une grande finesse qu'ils interprètent un répertoire varié et original : de swing, bien sûr, mais aussi de choro (musique brésilienne), quelques mélodies hongroises et de nombreuses compositions originales surprenantes. Pour certains titres, Fapy troquera sa guitare contre une guitare portugaise, instrument si riche et singulier que le virtuose emmène sur des terrains parfois inattendus.



FP – Jazzwise

« Lilting music, beautifully wrought, often delicate, never rugged ».

FP -Jazz Journal

” It’s an excellent addition to Frémeaux’s manouche catalogue as well as a step forward for the accomplished Lafertin”.

FP – The Guardian

« The clarity and warmth of Fapy’s playing, not to mention his apparently effortless technique, are marks of real artistry. His three companions, especially violinist Alexandre Tripodi, match him to perfection […] Simply irresistible ».


“Vibrant, relevant and always worth a listen”

FP – The Jazz Rag

“Subtlety and delicacy. A common factor of an excellent album is the regard for melody »

FP – Songlines

TOP OF THE WORLD selection – “Simple and sophisticated manouche à la Django”

FP – A musical journey rich in beautiful surprises

« An attentive listening to the other, common artistic values, the desire to play together and a unity of tone in the interpretation make the coexistence of these sometimes different musical universes harmonious. The four members of the quartet favor beautiful sound. They all know how to exploit the richness of a melody with an elegance carried by the spring of swing. A musical journey rich in beautiful surprises.»

FP – A great gentleman of string jazz

“In the end it gives a swing in the great tradition of Django jazz, vintage sound and silky notes. An album that travels, as Francis Couvreux says so nicely in the note of the album, since Portuguese and Brazilian sounds intersect here and there. Masters in melancholic elegance, led by a great gentleman of string jazz, Fapy Lafertin and his New Quartet”

FP – Selection Jazz Hot

« Fapy Lafertin, who fell into the pot of Django’s legacy at a very young age, is of course a virtuoso guitarist, but with this kind of virtuosity which does not overwhelm music because it serves imagination, poetry, expression. Fapy Lafertin, the artist musician, is a hidden treasure, it is a privilege to be able to discover him on records from time to time».

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